Thursday, December 9, 2010

things change huh??

my maid left..
i dun remember when is it..

i start t0 be m0re..
i dun0>.<

my j0b:
-sweep da fl00r
-m0p da flo0r
-f0ld and ir0n ALL da cl0thes
-clean Lucky's po0p and vivi==

me myself c0uldnt believe that i survived XP


Lucky's fur is sh0rt n0w!!
we br0ught him t0 da pet sh0p..
he lo0k cute t0 me..

alth0ught i miss eur l0ng fur..
i will still l0ve euu n0 matter what..


i didnt th0ught of updating this bl0ggie..
i th0ught it will be after spm..
but since my c0mp and my dad's lapt0p is out of order..
i am here..

im crapping.. ryte??


still g0t h0usew0rk t0 d0..
see ya next time??

Wednesday, October 20, 2010











Monday, October 18, 2010














Saturday, October 16, 2010


pn. lim t0ld us dat our annual rep0rt's entry is disqualified..
s0 sad T.T
s0rry f0r bringing d0wn th0se wh0 c0ncern..
bt they did a l0t f0r it!!
especially rachel, jia xuan and jia xin, nic0le, aisyah and s0 on!!
we just w0n 2nd prize f0r best pr0duct rep0rt..
h0pe da c0ming batch will d0 better than us 100 times!!


tmrw is da day..
i feel sooooooooooo000000000000 nerv0us weyh
h0pe everything will be under c0ntr0l..
we've put in eff0rt..
h0pe it will be.... go0d=)


a l0t of hardw0rk may bring us happiness,
but n0 hardw0rk will n0t bring happiness

i still gt w0rk t0 d0 ==

Monday, October 11, 2010

mixed feelings..

pn. lim fetch me to her church yesterday..
that church is BIG
alth0ugh i feel l0nely during da service..
bt luckily edwin is thr=)


sc0lded by my m0m yesterdae night..
im n0t a go0d daughter..
im really really bad..
i dun0 what t0 d0 ==
mummy.. s0rry f0r hurting euu again T.T


went t0 c da dentist t0 d0 s0me fillings..
had a diff experience..
and learnt s0methng which is really imp0rtant!!

will write it next time..


h0pe da celebrati0n 4 tmrw wil be perfect!!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

thanks =')

thanks f0r everything!!

i th0ught n0b0dy will remember my birthday..
*thanks fb^^

i even quarrel with my m0m f0r n0t letting me out..
i didnt expect anythng this year..
cz im very satisfied with evrythng i hv..

thanks j0nas, nikki n vivian=)
thanks mummy T.T
s0rry f0r n0t being a go0d daughter>.<


thanks f0r da cake, BIG FAMILY!!
h0w can eur lie t0 me??!
im vry t0uched T_T
thanks <3

i c0uldnt believe that th0se guys..
that i always sc0ld them in scho0l..
came t0dae..
s0rry guys..

i really appreciate it.. and will never f0rget..
friends f0reva babes^^

Sunday, October 3, 2010


use a pail t0 fill eur tears.. its m0re ec0-friendly=)


try t0 kill myself.. but i dun hav a knife..


'i kissed a girl, i like it X)' -katy perry-

Saturday, October 2, 2010


God is there for you

He's always been there for all of us

chrisitanity is all about relationship


i cried..
i dun0 why..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

hi X)

l0ng time n0 see..
miss me??
im s0 lame..


thank g0d 4 letting me survive til t0day..
i appreciate it..

afta attending my c0usin's wedding..
i mean afta see-ing da wh0le pr0cess..
fr0m da dae my dad fetch my uncle n his wife+my c0usin t0 pick up my c0usin's wife at KLIA..
until da dae they c0me back t0 KL all da way fr0m j0h0r(i thnk)t0 settle thngs dat they hav t0 settle..
and da wedding was.. okayy

i mean..
i juz realise hw hard it is 4 my parents t0 raise me up..
im 16 yrs old n0w and afta 10 yrs my parents will be 50+ already..
i want t0 be a successful w0man at that time s0 i can giv my parents a better life in da future..

we sat wif my 3rd uncle's fam during da wedding.. dinner.. nite.. wateva.. (plz 4giv my po0r eng)
his s0ns is d0in very well in their studies..
thr is 3 of them..
im vry sure they can giv their parents a better life in da future!!

what abt me??
wh0 am i??
im n0thng~ yet..

im vry sl0w in learning subj lik add math..
i l0ve sc0uting m0re than studying..
i thnk i shld put ******** aside..

i dun0 if im thnking to0 much or what..
but im really w0rry abt dis thng named FUTURE
im scared >.<

i will w0rk hard..
i need t0 w0rk hard..
t0 giv my parents a better life in da future..


Saturday, August 21, 2010


i fail in explaining dis thng to da kids..

n i hav difficulties in talking n communicating to them..

although i always go f0r camps..

im no0b..

thats all f0r t0dae..
thank you

Monday, August 16, 2010

dream come true..

-i dreamt abt alex n rach walking t0getha during pelantikan.. it c0me true..
-my dream came true n it is funnay^^
-i din expect myself to gt any positions..
-fuu so touched afta dat..
-its lik v hv gr0w up in a sudden..
-n da seniors r leaving us so so soon ='(
-fuu so sad when i thnk of dis although im nt close to evry1 of them><

i l0ve evry1 hu appear in my life b4..

will remember..

thx 4 evrythng.. i l0ve my fam^^

Thursday, August 12, 2010

when somethng seemed to be right went wr0ng

-caught dis gal hu br0ught phone t0 sch
-she ask me n0t t0 hand it to da teacher on da spot n start telling st0ries..
-even after 1st head prefect asst tell me what to do im still standing ther, listening to her stories
-until when hooi shin pull mii away fr0m her n asked mii nt to b0ther dat gal
-i cant believe dat i sto0d ther listening t0 her st0ries n bliev her st0ry to0
-luckily hooi shin is ther..
-im s0 easily in putting my trust==

-i told dis to my fam during dinner
-and warnings fr0m my dad n mum n br0 landed at my ears
-dis is called mumbling afta few minutes
-okayy.. im so blurr..
-i did s0methng wr0ng huh??

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

y0u.. hurt me da m0st..

euu always want me t0 be the best when you are n0t..
euu always want me to do the right when euu did wrong..

i brought euu fame..
bt it seems to be nothing because it comes from me..

euu never ask if i am happy..
euu juz thnk dat euu gave me anythng i want..
evrythng is jz 'euu thnk'..

i wont complain if my phone is 2nd handed frm my br0 or my dad..
i jz couldnt believe that my sch bag is given by otha ppl..
my bottle is a lucky draw frm da scouts night..
n euu r angry of me going to dat event..
i jz duwan to b lik him..
he wil jz ask money.. requesting dis n dat..
goin out without telling euu..
acting to b a gud boy in front of euu..
n he is a gud boy??

what the hell is that??
im facing dis thng which makes me feel unbalance n i hv to face it in sch too??
jz send me to hospital sakit jiwa..
i thnk i wil thank euu a lot..

depressi0ns x.X

Monday, July 26, 2010

my dream huh??

i want t0 be a KING SCOUT..

it seems t0 be s0 far away fr0m me..

or it will only be a dream.....??

GOD.. please let this dream c0me true..


im s0 s0 easy t0 gt dis em0 thng recently..

i thnk i really need my specs t0 be repaired..

im s0................................................. lonely.

Monday, July 12, 2010


didnt update my blog 4 quite a long time..

i've went t0 camp..
went to ts with BF..
went to cameron wif my family..
went to genting with my fwens..

i also went to help a camp which is located at sepang..
v sent irmela to0..

i failed my add maths..
n0 m0re camp 4 me..

i d0 nt wanna accept da truth..
irmela's leave n da n0 camp 4 me thngy..
i jz dun want dis to happen..
it still happened..
when time fl0ws..
it will happen..


goin to hav a photo shoot with my family..
kinda nervous xtually..
g0tta work hard 4 it..
i hv to keep fit n cut down my weight!!
im jz way to0 fat><

owh yaa..
to da GUYS..
pls dun pull ppl's hair..
maybe euu would wanna hv a chance to pull th0se gals hair bt they are wearing tudung on it..
thnk pr0perly b4 doing dat..
i wil definitely kill euu when i know who is it..

dats all f0r nw..


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


a l0t of thng hv passed n i dun hv da chance to write abt it..
i'll make it in note form..

1.thngs did nt g0 wif da plan..
2.v did nt perf0rm on dat dae..
3.i went to a camp.. skin bec0me m0r tan.. m0m is freakingly angry..
6.she sc0lded mii lik hell.. parents dun wanna let mii g0 4 b0th jamb0ree..
8.i want t0 attend all da camps..
9.i dun hv chance t0 d0 my sc0ut l0g bo0k at h0me cz s0me1 dun lik.. (i dun wanna menti0n hu it is)
10.i hv t0 finish my log book, moral & chinese pr0ject by this week.. g0ing t0 get sc0ldings agn cz im g0in out wif 4C this sat..
12.i hav t0 sh0w my mid-year exam results t0 my parents n i kn0w dat i didnt sc0re well..
13.i fuu s0 stress nw><
14.i went camer0n..
15.camer0n is nice bt when h0lidaes c0ntained sc0ldings.. its lik sitting in hell f0r few sec0nds..
16.i wanna attend kem kemahiran n kem kepimpinan.. da chance of attending is 0.001%..
18.da outing wif BF..
19.nt dat nice..
20.nt bcz of BF..
21.its bcz i sucks..
22.cant d0 anythng..

Pei En..
typed this when parents is busy n have n0 time t0 n0tice what im d0in..

Thursday, June 3, 2010

may thngs wil g0 smoothly

v decorated da stage t0dae..
to complete our task..

while v were decorating.
thr were da special kids having pr0gram in da dewan..
i luv t0 lo0k at them..
their happy face..
v were s0 lucky t0 b a n0rmal pers0n..
dun ya fuu da same way??
they were helpful t0 each others..
n i din even c any1 of them fight b4..
they act better than a n0rmal pers0n hu can thnk bt use it 4 n0 gud..


when v were alm0st d0ne wif da main backdr0p..
i imagine hw v started..
it was nt easy..
i sudden realise hw hard was it 4 da art club members t0 dec0rate it whenever there is an event..
they can hav a rest.. hehe

i t0t ashley will dr0p by n c if v were d0ing it rite..
bt she did nt..
khairul sh0wed up...
he really help us t0 take da big mar00n cloth..
help us t0 adjust th0se alphabets..
i really appreciate dat..
bt wat can i say..
im nt close to him..
i cant s0cial..

when v were helping jun kit to stick da masking tape..
it was one of da fun time of dis wh0le process..
i will rmb dis 4eva..
i really lik it when evry1 gather together n w0rk t0gether..
i l0ve evry1 of euu..

jun kit

euu guys did a gud job..
i w0nt 4gt evry m0ment in da pr0cess of dis task..

4 da ppl hu did nt c0me n help..
euu doesnt deserve t0 b a prefect..
d0 euu kn0 dat..
our PKP1 said dat v hav t0 sacrifice if euu wanna wear blue shirt..
even n0n-prefects helped us out..
hw euu want mii nt to c0mpare??

thx ellya atiqah fatin fadzrain..
thx a l0t..

i believ dat v hv try our vry best..
may evrythng wil b perfect!!!

t0 da ppl hu din help..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

pls l0ve mii..

pls love mii m0r..
i nid it..

i duwan t0 keep my feelings in my heart anymor..
vry heartaching..
im nt talkin t0 sara 4 a looooong time...
i fuu lonely..
i fuu lonely cz of nt tlkin to her..
sure my mistake..
i fuu lonely to sit in da class study alone..
evry1 sit wif their fwens n study t0getha b4 exam..
except mii..

y im nt all0wed t0 g0 4 camping??
y evrythng dat is wr0ng seems t0 be my fault??
y im da one dat wil b sc0ld??
y i couldnt d0 well 4 my rumusan??
y im sc0lded when im nt wr0ng??
y im wr0ng t0 surf da net b4 doing h0mew0rk??
y im al0ne??
y i dun hav freedom lik my fwens??
i jz nid a lil m0re freed0m n l0ve..
y n0b0dy undrstand mii??
y my tears will popped out easily whenever im angry??
y im s0 stupid??
y ther is n0 one dat i can talk t0 when im sad??


i wanted t0 smash my ph0ne int0 pieces..
i wanted t0 sc0ld all da bad w0rds at once..
i wil be crazy..
pls l0ve mii b4 im crazy..
i kn0 im vry blessed c0mpared t0 da ppl in Afirka dat starved..
i dun nid GOD to take away my sadness..
i jz nid t0 kn0 a way t0 find out thngs dat make life happier..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

i hate it..

kn0w wat..
dis exam makes mii 4gt a l0t of thngs..
i din even realise dat da event 4 w0rld milk dae is xtually t0dae b4 dis..
i cant g0 on9 cz da broadband is nt at h0me..
jz f0r a few daes..
bt it is able to make mii outdated..

4 da w0rld milk dae..
i dun understand..
y ther is space 4 galguides t0 sit in da bus bt nt a space to fit mii in??
hey im one of da scout in dis sch..
hw can euu guyz d0 dis t0 mii..
i nvr hated any sc0ut events..
i hate dis one..
hw heartache 4 mii t0 nt be with euu guyz..
any1 kn0w dat..?????

thx t0 dis event..
i kn0 dat n0 one ever rmb mii..
i kn0 dat im nt imp0rtant in dis sc0ut tro0p..
i dun hav a camera t0 take picts in all events s0 dat euu guys wil rmb mii by getting th0se picys eur wanted t0 see..

i knew it n0w

Saturday, May 22, 2010











Tuesday, May 18, 2010


suddenly realise im s0..

wu ba0 bei..
i decided nt to 'zhu dong' talk to euu anym0r..
i fuu lik nt t0 d0 s0..
bt our heart are s0 far away..
v alm0st dun hv c0nnecti0ns ad..
bt i scared when i talk t0 euu euu wil fuu dat im jz using euu..
i duwan dat to happen..




Wednesday, May 5, 2010


t0dae is nt a gudgud dae 4 mii..

i usually wun c0mpare if t0dae is luckier than tmrw..

i jz care if todae i did less thng than yesterdae..

bt todae is really nt dat gud..

wat to do??



im nt a gal without brain..

i hv feelings..

pls d0 nt judge mii by my no0b face..

im better than euu in otha aspects..

pls d0nt t0t dat euu n eur fwens wil nt d0 thngs wr0ng..

euu jz din explain 4 todae's incident..

evry1's p0int of view is diff..

nt evry1 d0 thngs in da same way..

pls d0 nt take c0mm0n sense as eur reas0n to gt angry on any1...

mayb i did make euu angry t0dae..

bt nt evrythng dat is wr0ng is my fault..

eur way of lookin is nt friendly anym0r..


gt scolded agn..

im fine..

bt i cried..

cant breathe when tears popped out..

bt feel better afta dat..

n0 ch0ice..

dats wat i d0 when im sad..

couldnt chg..

nvr chg..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i didnt chg..

she say dat i've chg to a better pers0n..
cz im nt dat bad-tempered anym0r..

bt i did nt..
im jz keeping my feelings deep in da b0tt0m of my heart..
except if i express my feelings..
if nt n0 one wil kno..

im trying to c0pe up wif my studies..
s0 far..
is jz okayy..


i tot euu were my best fwen..
bt euu did nt mean wat euu say..
im okay wif it..


n0 pr0b..
im use t0 it ad..

Friday, April 16, 2010


plz dont treat mii as eur dog..

im neithr eur maid nor eur dog..

i hate euu people..

kl stock challenge part 2

i slept at 2.30am
woke up abt 4.30am..

afta i woke up..
still hav to continue doing business card..
reach sch doin stupid make ups..
i jz dun use to it..
it is lik so...

k fine..
im da oni person hu dun lik it..
when v reach ther..
v find a place to set up our 'office'..

im da 1st one in our grp hu went 4 da 1st shoppin..
kinda scared..
my grp play safe..
v din bought a lot..
da oni thng dat really pissed mii is when sharbie lost da money!!!

i did ask her nt to calculate da money at dat time bcz she hv to sell n buy diff thngs..
bt i din expect dis to happen..
i counldnt highlight any paper n da ledger is a mess..
wat to do..
meliz is abt to cry ad
bt sharbie selamba oni..
i wanted to punch her wif da boxer glove thngy..

probs r solve..
v left a business sign ther..

our company name..
although i duno wat it means..
bt i still like it..

i learnt a lot..
it is a gud experience..=)

Monday, April 12, 2010

kl stock challenge part 1

went to sch todae..
i did nt bring any text book..
v went to wisma mca 4 dis event..
i cant bliev da seniors is goin wif us..

v reach ther..
n dis 'clever' guy lead us to another entrance..

v had briefing frm Mr. Birnette..
Mrs. Lin Dickson.. (if im nt wrong)
n anotha guy.. i dun rmb..
they r frm canada..
nice to c them teaching us..

fuu a lil borin during da process of learning..
bt it is a lot to b learn xtually..
my team is grp up by mii.. meliz.. n sharbie..
i cant stand da way sharbie n meliz communicate..
i NEED to laugh..
damn funny..
euu cant imagine..
bt it is killing mii too..

once again..
facing new challenges..
time is nt enough..
so worry abt thngs dat will happen tmrw..
i dun0 anythng but i wanted t0 win dis..
im dreaming rite??

Sunday, April 11, 2010

i lik it..


i reached sch early in da morning..
cz it is rainin..
n if i did nt folo my sis to sch dat early..
no one is gonna fetch mii ltr..
i saw them..
da gal guides..
preparing 4 da competition..
they even tie their shoelace in da same way..
n then.. they went to brickfields..

i signed in..
n pick an orange file..
da dae starts..
bt da interestin part is during da sukaneka..
v play games wif diff balls n stuff lik dat..
i din do sports 4 a long time..
bt i lik hockey..
if i can play da way i want..

v did ice-breakin n it is vry creativ..
then v r separate into grps..
i dun fuu any 'shyness' cz v meet almost da same ppl in sch evrydae in dis team..
bt ther is a lot of work to b done n time is nt enough!!

i fuu tired when i reach home..
bt i enjoyed da dae..
i learnt a lot todae..
although m0r thngs v can do if v go overnite in sch..
bt it is too dangerous..
i can understand


i woke up..
somethng is wrong..

i slept kinda early last nite..
i dun rmb wat time..
bt i kno it is early..
i dun even rmb wat i did last nite..
i jz kno dat i hv to go to sch todae n i hv presentation to b complete..
i chg my clothes..
packed my bag..
grab my notes..
n went to sch..
i reached sch..
teriibly blurr..
dun0 wat to do..
i sat down..
sayin hi to those lovely prefects..(of cz.. to da gals oni)
n da program starts.. again..
meliz is in my grp todae..
she helped mii blow da baloon..
n it ended up lik a papaya..
i'l post da pict if da balloon haven't burst..
i jz dun wanna touch it..

n durin da 1st meal..
ash come to mii n say no nid my help in typing ad..
she found anotha person..
i kno..
n i understand..
i understand dat i x layak to b da typist bcz im nt da ajk!!
i wont b n i nvr b!!
what a fair world is dis..
i had dis fuu b4..
da 'nt important ppl' fuu..
dis is da truth..
i cant chg it although i want to..

end of da dae..
i enjoyed to b a prefect although v hv to sacrifice..

^*V peace

Thursday, April 8, 2010


i attended da prefect meeting todae..

v gt some scolding frm pn.k..
she is angry todae..
i duwan any teacha to be angry lo..

our 1st assist of da head prefect did scolding on us too..
he is kinda strict.. as usual..
suddenly he throw his book on da table n ask julian to stand up..
he say..(if im nt wrong)
"Julian.. euu did a big mistake yesterdae.. da big mistake dat euu made is.. y didnt euu tell us dat yesterdae is eur burfdae..??"

im abs0lutely SHOCK..


afta dat..
i went to tuition..
my 1st lesson is eng lesson..
onr of da student talk vry loudly while teacher is teaching..
n then..
teacher suddenly ask us to keep quiet.. keep quiet.. keep quiet..

imagine dat..
da class is so quiet..
teacher shouted in a sudden..
n suyi..
sitting in front of mii..
she was shocked n almost jumped..
it was FUNNY
i can c most of them almost jumped up bt teacher actually stood in front of suyi when she yelled..
dats y suyi's reaction was da most obvious one..

im nt shocked..
mayb it is because of da 'soundless' surprise dis afterno0n..
dat one is vry effective..

im at home nw..
goin to do my peka..
i hv to pass up tmrw..

i hate bio..
cz da teacher is nt dat friendly..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

n0w i kn0..

so stress todae..
i jz dun lik add math..

n i realise..
dat ther is also time when eur fwen will nt b ther 4 euu..
bt ther wil b s0me1..
willing to listen..
i thnk..

ther is s0 many 4 mii to worry of..
im so frustrated..

how good it is if i can do somethng to 4gt all da trouble 4 a moment..
example lik..
writing journal??
or jz make myself busy..
i dun0..


Monday, April 5, 2010

big fam..

3.sze vern
4.meliz neo
5.mei wei
6.bee ee
7.nyet nhun
8.meliz leon
12.khai li

i hope v r still fwens dat wil keep in touch till v leave earth..
although v will argue all da time..
bt dis make us stick togetha..

Saturday, April 3, 2010

be strong..

i saw Zi Lin's blog jz nw..

im shock when i saw her post..
i did n0t knw anythng dat is happening on her..
it seems lik im nt a gud fwen..

zilin.. be strong yaa..
maybe its time to grow..
time will past with a blink of eur eyes..

dun cry..

exam exam exam

hv exam t0day..
s0 fast..
i duwan t0 face exams..

i did n0t get gud results f0r da 1st exam..
mayb i shld nt hv pick science stream..
what is da point of getting go0d result 4 PMR??
im back t0 dat old mii..
c0uldnt get go0d results..

i hate myself s0metimes..

my old blog..